As Virginia family law evolves, so do child custody decisions

There are certain aspects of American legal system which are considered as evergreen laws and they have not changed much with the passage of time. On the other hand, there are certainly other aspects of American legal system which have absolutely evolved in order to meet the changing needs of both the families and minors. … Read more

Virginia reckless driving fine

Reckless driving in Virginia Reckless driving in Virginia is considered a major traffic violation due to which it is different from a speeding ticket in nature. Reckless driving includes all the acts which a deemed to cause potential damage to any living thing or property. What are the penalties for reckless driving in Virginia? Reckless … Read more

Domestic Violence Lawyer Cost in Virginia

Domestic violence is reflected as a pattern of abusive behavior used by a partner to gain control and power over another partner. It can be physical, sexual, economic, emotional, and psychological or threats of any action that can influence another person. In Virginia, domestic violence is a Class I offense. A Class I offense is … Read more

Punishment for Internet Solicitation & Child Pornography

According to the federal law and Virginia state law, child pornography is defined as producing, distributing or storing explicit material. Child pornography is considered among serious crimes in almost all of the states and the convicts are punished harshly for keeping, distributing or developing any content leading to child abuse. As per the Virginia law, … Read more


States have the responsibility for setting the appropriate speed limit on major highways and roads for the safety of the people. Much has been changed as passenger transportation vehicles have become more vulnerable to accidents. Vehicles are equipped with safety features such as airbags but most people can’t escape the fate of disastrous road accidents … Read more